How to cure prostatitis at home

the treatment of prostatitis

What is the disease, such as prostatitis a problem exclusive to men. Develops prostatitis on the background of the defeat of the prostate infection. Some believe that this disease develops only in men mature in a period of change due to age. This is absolutely not true. The risk of prostatitis increases with the beginning of an active sex life. Prostatitis can be bacterial or non-bacterial, acute, chronic, asymptomatic. Every species treated in the early stages, was held for the Successful treatment of prostatitis in men in the house. How to do it yourself with the help of folk remedies?

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is called inflammation of the prostate gland. The causes of this inflammation much. The main cause of the disease is infectious defeat the breast. The cause of the inflammation can variety of bacteria: staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, klebsiella, single wand, Enterobacter. It is worth mentioning that the data the microorganisms present in the microflora of each person. Only in the presence of favourable conditions, that is, their active reproduction, which is a malocclusion.

how to cure prostatitis

In addition, the development of prostatitis can affect the following factors:

  • Transient sexual life;
  • Excessively active sexual life;
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • A sedentary life-style;
  • Bad habits;
  • The wrong food.

In particular, a sedentary lifestyle and irregular sex cause processes stagnant in the pelvic organs. Because of the stagnation of seminal fluid, and blood, develops the inflammation. In addition, the flow of blood in the organs of the small pelvis is broken and due to some chronic diseases: atherosclerosis, heart disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid and endocrine system.

Prostatitis is a rather serious problem. And delay the treatment of inflammation is not. After all, on the background of chronic prostatitis often develops adenoma and from here, of the prostate. In addition, the disease causes impotence. Recognize the prostatitis is not difficult. So, if a man gets up at night in the bathroom more than once, there is a reason to consult a doctor. Frequent need to urinate, feeling of not devastated the bladder, pain during urination — all of this the main symptoms of inflammation of the prostate.

All the rest, to the symptoms is added a decrease in sexual activity, weak lack of erection, premature ejaculation. Often men with prostatitis complain of pain. The pain extends over an area of the scrotum, testicles, low abdomen, back, lumbar. Sometimes the pain occurs in the anal hole during defecation. The treatment of prostatitis should be performed immediately. The treatment of prostatitis folk and-a-half maybe. But, in any case, even of the people of the therapy requires the advice of a qualified physician.

Home treatment of prostatitis

How to cure prostatitis in the home? Long been used a variety of plants, herbs for treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in men. Data the suitable means for the prevention of prostatitis. The old tried and true method of treating inflammation of the prostate gland in your home is the use of pumpkin seeds. The use of this product due to a high level of zinc content. Zinc is extremely important for the male body at any age. He takes an active part in the production of testosterone, improves the circulation of blood in the pelvic organs. Consequently, pumpkin seeds can be released and protect the prostate from the phenomena of stagnation.

For the relief of the symptoms of the disease, it's worth eating for 30 seeds each day before each meal. This is the number will help to compensate for the daily dose of zinc the male body. Very tasty and useful is a tool of pumpkin seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to grind in the grinder 0.5 kg of peeled not skewers of seeds. This mass is added to another product useful for the male body — honey. It is sufficient to 200 g of honey, half shuffled and rolled into small balls. Useful balls need to store it in the refrigerator and consume in 1 ball two times a day, half an hour before a meal.

Aspen bark

For the therapy of prostatitis in men in the home, apply, and bark of poplar. Prepare an effective remedy for prostatitis from the bark can only be in the spring. The fact is that the use of the vespa, the bark serves only in that moment, when in bloom, the first buds and shoots on it. So, it is worth to collect the bark of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm, dry in the oven. After complete drying, 100 g dell (crushed) and pour 200 ml of vodka. The instrument is infused for about 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Via the infusion is filtered and used for 20 drops three times per day. It is possible to dilute the dosage in 50 g of water. The course of this people treatment is 2-3 months.

The leaves and bark of hazelnut

Given the ingredients, paid separately. The bark of the plant boil to two times longer, than the leaves. For 1 tablespoon of leaves requires 1 cup of water. Two broth mix, covered by the lid, and produced for half-hour. The tool is filtered, is accepted by 80-100 g 4 times per day. For the preparation of this tool it is best to use the young leaves and the bark. In addition, populists argue that the same matter before you can prepare it a couple of times. Men who have experienced the drug on himself, claim that the signs of prostatitis disappear after 1-1,5 weeks.

Fruit juices

As a popular, and traditional medicine has proven that fresh only fresh juices to promote the excretion of urea, uric acid from the body. And this can greatly reduce the inflammation, improve the condition of the patient. Is the uric acid, soaking into the muscles of the pelvic floor, and causes a variety of diseases of the prostate. Therefore, recommend to drink during the day up to 0.5 liters of fresh fruit juices. Of particular use are different fruit juices:

  • Cucumber;
  • Asparagus;
  • Beet;
  • Carrots.

The male body different use and composed of a pear. For the treatment of prostatitis is best to use a product without sugar. But, ripe pear, and so has quite a sweet pleasant taste. Effective prostatitis in men is the juice of the berries of black elder.In addition, the doctor may advise you to drink every morning after waking up a glass of distilled water. And after 10 minutes, after that drink a glass of elder juice. Therapy lasts at least 2 weeks. This tool is used for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

To improve the status of the prostate to apply the juice of parsley. It is rich in vitamins a and C. Drink the juice of fresh parsley (need 1 tablespoon three times per day before meals. In addition, it is possible to prepare simple meals herbal tea of the seeds of this vegetation. The seeds are ground to a powder. 4 tablespoons of powder, pour a glass of water. The tool needs to simmer for 10-15 minutes. Eat drink 1 tablespoon up to 6 times per day.

Herbal medicine

For the treatment of prostatitis in men it is possible to use a variety of healing herbs. It is very important to respect the proportions. Because many herbs are poisonous, and when exceeding the dosage can cause poisoning. Therapy inflammation of the prostate is carried out with the help of the celandine and hemlock. The preparation of funds is done in this way:

  • Mix 0, 5 tablespoons of hemlock and the celandine;
  • Pour 150 g of vodka;
  • Put in a dark place;
  • To insist within 10 days;
  • Drain.

Use of tincture in the morning on an empty stomach. Only 2 drops to dissolve in a glass of milk or clean water. Each day the number of drops increases by one. So lasts until the thirtieth day. After that, the countdown begins, the number of drops reduced. Well-proven decoction of roots of burdock.

herbal treatment of prostatitis

Often for the treatment of prostatitis apply lisya birch and horse-tail. 70 g of the mix are filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water, and stir for 10 minutes. It is important to insist on the instrument for a time for all of the beneficial properties of the plants are open. Strain the decoction, is accepted all over the day. Some men claim that in the struggle with prostatitis have helped the infusion of the leaves of simple kalanchoe.

Requires 1 cup of leaves pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Tool infusion of 5 days. Drink recommend 1 teaspoon per day. As only the health of the patient improve, it is worth to consume 1 teaspoon of funds a week. In general, herbal medicine is considered to be the most effective. Because many drugs from prostatitis are made on the basis of herbs and plants.

Other methods of treatment of prostatitis in the home

Many people believe that the disease treatment at home is the use of herbal, tinctures. In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland is important to an integrated approach. And some of the dyes, often, a little. Also, you should not rely on the traditional medicine. The maximum effect is reached only in combination of traditional medicine and popular. And only the physician can recommend the appropriate herbal medicine. In the treatment of prostatitis simple drugs is little. Is it worth changing your diet, begin to lead an active lifestyle.

Medical gymnastics

To begin with, you need to master basic exercises, that will get rid of inflammation, to stagnation, to improve the flow of blood in the pelvic organs. Improve the state of the prostate can walk, walk. Once the body gets used to such stress, walking can be replaced in the race. Home you can perform this exercise:

  • The man takes a position in the feet;
  • The arms along the body;
  • Alternately rose to the knee;
  • When you lift the knee important to retain their stomach.

High efficiency of the treatment "male" diseases have all known exercises "bicycle" and "birch". The slopes of the basin only does not give the possibility of forming a stagnation, of the blood. There is the opportunity to attend gyms, swimming-pool. But it's not worth to load itself daily weights and exercises. It is sufficient to exercise at the gym 3-4 times a week. And here's a gym home is it worth to spend every day.


Very often in combination with a variety of medicines, herbal suppositories doctors prescribe and massage course against the prostatitis. It is important to remember that the acute form of prostatitis is a contraindication to massage. In addition, among the contraindications to the implementation of manipulation, it is worth to highlight the cracks in the rectum, hemorrhoids, constipation. In all other cases, a massage will only bring you benefits. The massage can be done both at home and in the hospital. You can ask the doctor about the technique of carrying out. These procedures are necessary to remove the stagnation of seminal fluid. Accordingly, during the procedure the urethra will award a couple of drops of a secret.

Products and treatments

A hot bath with chamomile help you eliminate the pain, relieve the spasm. In addition, the plant has a sedative effect on the nervous system, which is very important in this serious disease, such as prostatitis. After relaxing for 10-15 minutes in a warm chamomile bath, you need to go to the shower. The jet of water must take the lead in the area of the scrotum, testes, prostate. In this case, it alternates hot and cold water. This contrast tub would have a positive impact on the inflammation of the prostate gland.

Products of the beekeeping

Along the honey and propolis have been considered a panacea of any illness. And prostatitis is no exception. For the treatment of disease by eating a tablespoon of honey in the morning before breakfast. With time it will get better the work of the entire genito-urinary tract, eliminated the inflammation, and will resume full power. Has use and pollen. Its recommended to eat three times a day before meals a teaspoon.

Effective, you can call and alcohol tincture of propolis. It is sufficient to 35 drops of tincture diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. Drink a half three times a day half an hour before meals. This home treatment is the course in 45 days. Often doctors prescribe the use of suppositories with a base of propolis. They are made exclusively to order, and are high efficiency. Candles propolis have a lot of feedback, learned a lot from this on the part of the men, subjected to prostatitis. In general, the cure of prostatitis in the home is very real. In particular, if all the options are approved by the attending physician.